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ARTICLE 1 Seller Information


MERSİS             :  0070-1140-9590-0001

Tic. Sicil No.     :  490711-5

Phone              :  +90 212 294 9630

Email           :


ARTICLE 2 Buyer Information

Name / Title           



Delivery Address



E-mail Address




3.1 This Distance Sales Agreement ("Agreement") regulates the rights and obligations of the parties in accordance with the provisions of the Law on the Protection of Consumers No. 6502 and the Regulation on Distance Contracts published in the Official Gazette dated November 27, 2014, and numbered 29188, regarding the sale and delivery of the products ("Products") ordered by the Buyer through the website operated by the Seller.

3.2 The Buyer declares and undertakes that they are informed about the basic qualifications of the goods or services subject to sale, the sales price, the payment method, the delivery conditions, and all preliminary information about the goods or services and the "right of withdrawal," and that they have confirmed this preliminary information electronically and then placed an order for the goods or services. The Preliminary Information Form ("Preliminary Information Form") on the website is an integral part of this Agreement.


This Agreement shall become effective upon the Buyer's confirmation of having read the information in the Preliminary Information Form and completing the order through the website.


The prices specified in Article 6.1 are the sales prices. The announced prices and promises are valid until updated and changed. Prices announced for a certain period are valid until the end of the specified period. The Seller reserves the right to change or update these prices at any time. 


6.1 The details of the Products ordered by the Buyer, the total sales prices including taxes, and the quantity information shall be notified to the Buyer through the website and by email to the Buyer's email address. 6.2 Shipping fees shall be paid by the Buyer. Except for the opportunities and advantages provided by the Seller regarding shipping fees, which are exceptional. 6.3 The Buyer acknowledges, declares, and undertakes that they will separately verify the relevant interest rates and information on default interest from their bank in credit card installment purchases and that, in accordance with the current legislation, the provisions regarding interest and default interest will be applied within the scope of the credit card agreement between the bank and the Buyer. Installment payment opportunities provided by institutions such as banks and financing companies for credit cards, installment cards, etc. are installment payment opportunities provided by the institution; in this context, the sales of Products, for which the Seller has completely collected the price, are not considered installment sales within the scope of this Agreement and have the nature of cash sales.


7.1 The Product shall be delivered to the delivery address specified by the Buyer or to the person/organization at the address indicated, along with the invoice, packaged and securely, within a maximum of 30 days from the order date. 7.2 If the Product is to be delivered to another person/organization indicated by the Buyer, the Seller shall not be held responsible for the non-acceptance of the delivery by the person/organization to whom it will be delivered. 7.3 The Buyer is obliged to check the Product immediately upon delivery and to report any defects to the Seller without delay.


8.1 The Buyer acknowledges that they have read the basic qualifications of the products displayed on, the sales price, and the payment method, as well as the preliminary information about delivery, and that they have given the necessary approval electronically for the conclusion of distance contracts. 8.2 The Buyer confirms that they have acquired accurate and complete information regarding the address, basic characteristics of the products ordered, prices of the products, including taxes, shipping/cargo fees, payment, and delivery through electronic media before the conclusion of this agreement by giving electronic approval. 8.3 Due to any problems caused by the fault of the cargo company in the delivery of the Product to the Buyer, the Seller shall not be held responsible. 8.4 The Seller is responsible for delivering the product subject to the contract in full, in accordance with the specifications stated in the order, and with the certificates, if any. 8.5 In case it is understood that the product subject to the contract cannot be supplied for a justifiable reason before the expiration of the performance obligation arising from the contract, the Seller may offer a different product of equal quality and price by informing the Buyer and obtaining their written approval. 8.6 In case the delivery of the Products becomes impossible due to extraordinary circumstances (such as adverse weather conditions, earthquake, flood, fire, etc.) beyond the normal sales conditions within the 30-day period, the Seller shall inform the Buyer regarding the delivery. In this case, the Buyer may cancel the order, order a similar product, or wait until the end of the extraordinary situation. If the price of the Product has been collected in cancellations, it shall be refunded to the Buyer within 15 days from the date of notification. In the case of credit card payments, the refund process shall be made to the Buyer's credit card. 8.7 It is a condition for the delivery of the Products that this Agreement is approved electronically. If, for any reason, the product price is not paid or canceled in the bank records, the Seller is deemed to have been relieved of all obligations arising from this Agreement, including the obligation to deliver the Product. 8.8 In case the product price is not paid to the Seller for any reason, the Buyer shall return the Products to the Seller within 3 days at the latest from the notification of the Seller, with all expenses borne by the Buyer. The Seller's right to follow up the product price, including tracking, is reserved, separately and in any case. 8.9 In the event that the Product cannot be delivered within the 30-day period due to extraordinary situations (such as adverse weather conditions, earthquake, flood, fire, etc.) beyond the normal sales conditions, the Seller shall inform the Buyer about the delivery. In this case, the Buyer may cancel the order, order a similar product, or wait until the end of the extraordinary situation. If the price of the Product has been collected in cancellations, it shall be refunded to the Buyer within 15 days from the date of notification. In the case of credit card payments, the refund process shall be made to the Buyer's credit card.


9.1 In distance contracts for the sale of goods, the Buyer may exercise their right of withdrawal from the contract within 15 (fifteen) days from the date of delivery of the goods to them or to the third party designated by them without undertaking any legal or criminal liability. In determining the withdrawal period;

·   a) In contracts for the sale of goods that consist of a single piece and are delivered separately, the day when the consumer or the third party designated by the consumer receives the last goods,

·   b) In contracts for the sale of goods consisting of multiple parts, the day when the consumer or the third party designated by the consumer receives the last part,

·   c) In contracts for the regular delivery of goods for a certain period of time, the day when the consumer or the third party designated by the consumer receives the first goods will be taken into consideration.

9.2 The Buyer may notify the Seller of their withdrawal by sending a registered letter via postal service, or by sending an email to the email address specified in Article 1. This notification must be made within the withdrawal period. After such notification, the Seller shall request the return of the product. However, if the Seller does not make such an offer, the Buyer must return the product to the Seller's address specified in Article 1 within 10 (ten) days from the date of their notification of withdrawal. 9.3 In order for return procedures to be carried out, the relevant sections of the invoice sent to the Buyer and containing the return section must be fully completed and signed, and then a copy must be sent to the Seller. 9.4 The Product to be returned must be delivered with its box, packaging, and, if any, standard accessories. 9.5 The Seller is obliged to reimburse the Buyer with all payments received, including the total price (the total of all amounts paid by the Buyer to the Seller), and any other documents that put the Buyer under an obligation, within a maximum of 15 (fifteen) days from the Seller's receipt of the notice of withdrawal. 9.6 The shipping fee for the returned products shall be borne by the Buyer. If the Buyer wants to return the product themselves, in this case, the Buyer must send the product to the Seller with Yurtiçi Kargo, which is the Seller's contracted cargo company, with the shipping fee paid by the Buyer. 9.7 Any depreciation in the value of the product to be returned or any reason that makes it impossible to return the product does not prevent the exercise of the right of withdrawal. However, changes and deteriorations caused by the usual use of the product are not considered as a decrease in value.


The right of withdrawal cannot be exercised in the following cases: 

·   a) Contracts for goods that are prepared according to the consumer's requests or personal needs. 

·   b) Contracts for the delivery of perishable or expired goods.

·   c) Contracts for the delivery of goods that may not be returned for health and hygiene reasons, after the packaging, tape, seal, package, etc. protecting elements are opened after delivery.

·   d) Contracts for the delivery of goods mixed with other products and cannot be separated by their nature after delivery.

·   e) Contracts for the delivery of digital content and computer consumables presented in the material environment, provided that the protective elements such as packaging, tape, seal, package, etc. are opened after delivery.

·   f) Contracts for the delivery of periodicals such as newspapers and magazines.

·   g) Contracts for the delivery of sealed goods that are unsuitable for return due to health and hygiene issues.

·   h) Contracts for services that start with the approval of the consumer before the right of withdrawal period ends.  

·   Except for the products sold by our company mentioned explicitly in the "Regulation on Distance Contracts" published by the Ministry of Customs and Trade, products sold by our company fall under the category of products for which the Right of Withdrawal cannot be used.


The Buyer can submit all kinds of suggestions and complaints regarding the sale of goods or services through electronic media to the email address specified in Article 1 of the Seller. The Seller aims to resolve the problem by examining any and all complaints and suggestions received within the legal limits. The rights of the parties arising from the Law and the relevant Regulations are reserved.


The Seller may apply to the consumer problems arbitration committee or consumer court in the place where the consumer purchases the product or where they reside within the limits determined by the Ministry of Customs and Trade every December.


The Buyer declares, accepts, and undertakes that they have read all the conditions, explanations, the General Provisions, and the Return Policy, which are an integral part of this Agreement, and have obtained all preliminary information, have reviewed them, and fully accepted them.



